Monday 3 October 2016

Boosting Work Productivity with Kate Putnam

Modern thinking companies are increasingly investing in different ways to improve their employees productivity levels. Google famously began a ‘20% rule’, wherein employees were allowed to devote a fifth of their time to exploring side projects outside of their working commitments but inside working hours. The theory was that this 20% would boost their performance levels during their remaining time at work. To an extent this proved a great success, many of these side projects have lead to global, innovative endeavors that Google has profited. It also certainly was a good selling point for potential high calibre candidates to choose Google as their employer.

Quantam Workplace recently released findings that pinpointed a 14% increase in engagement when they are provided time off to recharge, and are 18% more engaged when given time to pursue healthy activities. It is something however that many intelligent people intuitively know to pursue. Kate Putnam does it all outside of her working hours, and has consistently proven herself a valuable employee as a result. Throughout her studies at University of New Hampshire, she was involved in many activities and clubs alongside her academic commitments, and has since continued these pursuits. She has been a keen cyclist from an early age, and is currently a member of the Central NH Bicycling Coalition Board of Directors. Team sports, hiking, photography and rowing are some of her other pursuits in her free time, all of which contribute towards fitness and general wellbeing.

Interestingly this might be why companies are increasingly instilling flexible working schedules. Employees are often given opportunities to work from home, or adopt more irregular working hours in keeping with their other commitments. According to a Willis survey, employees have proven to be more engaged when they are provided a flexible schedule. All workers now have laptops and phones through which they can access work files and emails, so it naturally follows that productive work no longer is confined to the office. If this gives employees the chance to pursue productive and active interests outside of work, or honor family commitments, it means happier and healthier workers.

Read Reviews about Kate Putnam on TrustLink to see how valued she is as an employee in New Hampshire, and how she has motivated others to be the same.

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